Tuesday 25 September 2018

Whole 30 Diaries


Check out this whole 30 diet video. Thought you may find it interesting. What do you think?

Monday 2 April 2018

Happy Easter

Happy Easter. Hope you did not have too many Easter eggs. 😉

Wednesday 28 March 2018

This Woman Lost 150Lbs Only To Be Bullied Online And Regain Weight!


Saw this video and could not believe how horrible and nasty some people can be. Any weight loss takes lots of hard work and dedication. So wrong!

Let me know what you think?

Monday 26 March 2018

8 Best Protein Sources For Weight Loss.

If you’re trying to slim down, you probably don’t need us to remind you that eating plenty of protein can help you reach your goal weight. Protein—even from unlikely sources like veggies—digests at a slow, steady rate to help you feel fuller longer and make you less prone to junky cravings. Just as important, it’s essential for maintaining and building lean muscle mass to help your body torch tons of calories. So it’s worth loading up all around.

But do certain high-protein foods pack more get-lean power than others? You bet. Some foods serve up more protein for fewer calories, while a few boast extra weight-loss benefits that just might get you into your skinny jeans even faster. Here’s a look at the most powerful picks—and why you should be eating them on the reg.


They just might be the best way to start your day. For just 140 calories, 2 large eggs will deliver 14g protein. That, combined with the fat in the yolks, will keep your blood sugar levels nice and steady, which can help stave off diet-derailing cravings. In fact, findings show that eating eggs for breakfast dampens the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin—and helps you eat less for the next 36 hours. Incredible, right?

Friday 23 March 2018

What Is Nutrigenomics? The New Diet Study You May Not Have Heard Of But Should Be Aware Of.

Figuring out what to eat can be a daily frustration. Whether it's because you're trying to find a middle ground between your heart, which is telling you to order the greasy option on the menu, and your mind, which is telling you to settle for the healthy option on the menu, knowing what to pick is a battle that may leave you ordering both, hoping that one balances out the other. 

Our bodies are weird, and figuring out what kinds of food we should be consuming isn't a one-size-fits-all decision. That's where one of the biggest trends for 2018 comes into play: nutrigenomics.

The word, which is a Frankenstein-like combination of the words nutrients and genomics, is a study that's gaining rapid popularity for the way it could influence individual weight loss and overall health.

"Nutrigenomics is the study of how specific foods and nutrients impact our genes and our health," says Paul Salter, Bodybuilding.com nutrition editor and the founder of Fit in Your Dress. "This field, which is still very new and growing, looks to learn how specific nutrients have different interactions in one person's body versus another, to help inform one of what he or she may need to eat, or avoid eating to improve their health across a variety of parameters."

Here's what you need to know about nutrigenomics.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Super Metabolism Diet? What Is It And Here's What You Need To Know.

The super metabolism diet relies on five pillars, all in a handy acronym: Super proteins, super carbs, and super fats; Upping your energy expenditure; Power snacks; Essential calories, vitamins, and minerals; Relaxing and recharging. (Yep, it all spells out SUPER.)

In the diet, you'll be guided through what to eat and when. For instance, David Zinczenko, nutrition expert, creator of Eat This Not That! and Best Life, recommends eating three meals and one snack per day, along with drinking a lot of water. Rather than cutting out specific nutrients (like fat or carbs), they all fit into the eating plan — and the choices in these food groups are all designed specifically to rev your fat-burning engines.

Super proteins: Includes choices like eggs, salmon, lean beef, bison, and chicken breast. You'll eat 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. A 140-pound woman would eat about 100 grams of protein a day.

Super carbs: Includes choices like oatmeal, whole wheat, quinoa, bananas, apples, and barley.
Super fats: Includes choices like avocados, nut butters, and olive oil.
Super snacks: Includes choices like yoghurt, carrots, and hummus.
Extras: Options like teas and spices to make foods interesting.
Of course, there are foods you should avoid, and they include the things you'd assume, like refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup, sodas, most saturated fats, alcohol, and breads and cereals.

Monday 19 March 2018

7 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Go Vegan


Check out some changes that could happen if you decide to go Vegan. Let me know what you think?