Tuesday 20 December 2016

Drinking Tips to combat the Holidays

Tips for Drinking

1. Sip before you eat.

Pregaming a meal with a glass of water has been linked with more weight loss than cutting calories alone.  You can also take some mid-meal breaks and guzzle a little water to give the brain time to register fullness.

2. Sip some green tea.

Drinking green tea is one of the most common tips for shedding a few pounds, and for good reason green tea is known for its ability to metabolize fat.  And in combination with resistance training, green tea increases the potential for fat loss.  Add a squeeze of lemon for a little flavor and to amp up antioxidant affects. 

3. Gulp H2O.

4. Cut back on liquid calories.

Milk and cookies, orange juice and French toast, wine and cheese some foods seemingly require a liquid counterpart. But, it’s easy to pour on the pounds by chugging soda, juice, alcohol, and even milk on the regular.  Sugar sweetened beverages are associated with increased body fat and blood pressure. 

5. Water down your drinks.

When you simply must have a swig of juice, try watering it down. While it may sound unappealing, gradually adding more water to less juice will keep some of the flavor without all the sugar and calories. Added incentive: Increasing water intake in place of sugar-sweetened beverages or fruit juices is associated with lower long-term weight gain. 

6. Banish the booze.

We probably don’t have to tell you that heavy boozing will pack on the pounds. And you’ve likely heard the phrase “drink in moderation.” The point is, alcohol houses a lot of sneaky calories and has the ability to inhibit healthy eating decisions (midnight pizza delivery, anyone?). Even after you’ve sobered up, alcohol can have negative impacts on strength and may leave you lagging in the weight room days later. 

7. Choose tall and thin glasses

When you’ve got a hankering you can't ignore for juice or a cocktail, ask for a tall, thin glass, not a 
short, squatty one.
 Research shows that people pour less liquid into tall narrow glasses than into their vertically challenged counterparts, meaning you'll (probably) drink less in one sitting. This is especially helpful when it comes to boozing.

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