Thursday 26 October 2017

5 Side Effects Of Paleo Diet You Need To Know

If you haven’t heard about the paleo diet by now, you must be living in a cave—ironically, the very place this prehistoric meal plan supposedly originated. “The idea is based on eating like your ancestors ate,” says Lisa Young, R.D. author of The Portion Teller Plan. “Very often, you’re going high protein, lower carb, and cutting out dairy and sugar.” In other words, eat like a caveman.

Paleo isn’t without its pros: You’re cutting out a ton of processed foods and the higher protein-to-carb ratio can leave you satisfied with smaller portions, helping with weight loss. But, says Young, “it’s totally not sustainable. Whenever you cut out entire food groups, you’re not going to be able to live with it for a long time.” Plus, she points out, paleo advocates also restrict a lot of healthy plant-based proteins including beans and legumes, some whole grains, and low-fat dairy—all foods that have been shown to help with weight loss.

Ultimately, Young says, paleo dieting can be a good way to jumpstart a more whole-foods approach to your diet and eliminate processed junk food and sugar. Just don’t go caveman crazy. It’s okay—more than that, good for you—to have beans, legumes, whole grains, starches, and some low-fat dairy in your diet.

Related: 6 Things That Happen When You Give Up Carbs

But even paleo devotees who do achieve the loincloth-ready bodies of their dreams may have other side effects to contend with. For instance:

Lack of Energy

“When you go on a lower-carb diet, very often you can get lightheaded and dizzy because you need carbs for energy,” says Young. The resulting fatigue, lethargy, and irritability are so well-known by nutrition pros that the initial adjustment period has become known as “low-carb flu.”

Loss Of Appetite

When you’re dieting, that’s a good thing, right? Yes and no. “Going too low-carb can eventually send your body into starvation mode,” says Young. That can have a host of negative side effects as your body tries to conserve energy. It may also decrease thyroid function as a result.

Bad Breath

Without carbs to torch for energy, your body shifts its focus to fat burning, or ketosis. Sounds good, but, says Young, “the process generates compounds that make your breath smell,” namely acetone.

Elevated LDL cholesterol

When you eat a diet high in animal fat, you’re bound to up your saturated fat intake and that impacts your cholesterol. “'Have all the meat you want' is not a great message as far as I’m concerned,” says Young.

Related: 6 Things That Happen To Your Body On A Ketogenic Diet


Eating a lot of fat can grease the skids of your digestive tract. “Getting some starches and carbs in your diet helps keep things cohesive,” says Young. That’s a polite way of saying that paleo can make you poop.

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