Wednesday 8 February 2017

8 Easy Changes That Can Boost Your Weight Loss!

It's often the little moves that lead to the biggest gains, and in the case of weight loss, they can also lead to the most significant, well, losses. 
With a simple swap, or a minor meal schedule change, the dreaded "d-word" becomes much less daunting. So as you're gearing up on your new journey, keep these small changes in mind to help make your goals achievable:

1.Change your drink

Drink diluted fruit juice or infused water. Natural fruit juices contain lots of calories. Cut them in half by diluting them with water. 

2. Reach a limit

Stop eating when you've eaten 80 percent of your normal amount, and wait 20 minutes. You'll feel satisfied because it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that you're full. 
3. Eat breakfast

A survey of more than 2,000 people who lost significant weight and kept it off for at least 5 years found that 78 percent ate breakfast 7 days a week.  
4. Cut 100 calories a day

That's roughly the amount of calories in a handful of chips or a light beer. Eliminating 100 calories a day would be the equivalent of 700 calories a week and could lead to nearly 10 pounds of weight loss a year. Go ahead, skip the cheese pasta topping and go for vegetables only, or reach for carrot sticks instead of fried chips as a snack.
5.Change your meals
Eat your largest meal at breakfast or lunch. And lighten up at dinner. This gives you hours of activity to burn off the calories. If you consume a lot of calories late in the day, you're more likely to store these calories as fat. 
6. Walk for 30 minutes daily

walking workout is all you need to do to move from couch spud to moderately fit, a change that will provide significant health benefits. 
7. Strength train to build muscle

After age 30, your muscle mass starts to shrink by about one percent per year. That's why older folks get fat. Muscle is more metabolically active tissue than fat. By building more through strength training, you automatically burn more calories 24/7
8. Change the package

Never eat out of the original container. How many times have you dipped your hand into the chip bag only to find yourself staring at the bottom 15 minutes later?

Adapted From Men's Health Big Book of Uncommon Knowledge

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