Monday 6 February 2017

Questions To Ask Before You Start A Diet.

How many diets can you name? Based on length, health condition, and food composition, there seems to be an endless list of weight loss plans. But they're certainly not all created equal. 

They're often time-consuming, require a lifestyle change, and can refine your weekly grocery budget, so choosing the right plan is no simple decision. It requires time and effort, so set yourself up for success by making sure the diet you choose has potential to be effective. 
So how do you know if a particular diet is not only right, but right for you? In fact, there are seven questions your diet must answer in order to be successful. If it scores a "7 out of 7" to the following questions, it's time to get planning:
1. Does the diet provide a reasonable number of calories -- an absolute minimum of 1,000 calories a day?
2. Does it supply enough but not too much protein -- at least the recommended 0.4 gram per pound of body weight, but not more than twice that much?
3. Does it supply enough fat for satiety but not too much -- so that between 20 and 35 percent of the day's total calories come from fat?
4. Does it supply enough carbohydrates to spare protein, so that you won't burn muscle tissue for energy and won't prevent the lives from running out of glycogen (ketosis) -- about 100 grams of carbohydrate for the average-size person?
5. Does it provide a balanced assortment of vitamins and minerals from whole food sources in all of the basic food groups?
6. Does it offer different foods every day so that you won't give up on the diet out of boredom?
7. Does it consist of ordinary foods that are available in supermarkets at prices you can afford?
Answered "yes" to all of the above? Then it's a "go."

Adapted from Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks

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