Thursday 24 August 2017

Are Those Boxsets Ruining Your Weight Loss Plan?

We all curl up with a great show and takeout once in a while, but research has shown that people who eat while distracted not only consume more but also lack awareness of how much they've eaten. So whether you live alone or with others, start by planning one night per week for a sit-down dinner, and then build toward making it at least three times a week.

At those meals, put food on a plate—even if it's delivery, you'll enjoy it more—and focus on learning about each other's day, or just relish a few moments of quiet on your own. The more you practice, the more you'll realize how much more you can appreciate every bite and flavor of food and be able to better interpret your hunger cues. In other words, you'll be eating more mindfully. You may even stop eating sooner than usual and have leftovers for lunch the next day.

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