Sunday 11 June 2017

6 Strategies To Help Maintain Your Ideal Body Weight.

6 Easy Strategies to Help Maintain Your Ideal Body Weight

1. Put healthy food front and center

You need to stack the deck in your favor so that healthy foods are always within reach. “Controlling your food environment, so that slimming choices are easy and fattening choices are hard, is essential,” Guyenet says.
Now that you’ve meal-prepped your way to weight loss, keep those good habits going: Stock your pantry with essential ingredients, keep learning new healthy recipes, and order smart when eating out.

2. Remember that you’re not “on” or “off” a diet

A solid nutrition plan is one that helps you lose weight for good with new, healthy eating habits that continue long after you hit your goal weight. There shouldn’t be an “off” switch; the lifestyle changes you made should be ones that keep you healthy and happy in the long-term.
“If there are certain indulgences you want to include, you can,” Cording says. “Just know that you’ll need to come up with ways to make room for them by making adjustments elsewhere in your day or week.”
3. Find alternatives for your favorite foods

Everyone has their Kryptonite — it could be salty, crunchy chips, sweet treats, or starchy, carb-y goodness. The key is to have a plan in place to help you manage that specific craving when it hits.

“The problem for most people is not the carbohydrate or fat, per se, but the fact that rich, refined, tasty foods cause us to eat too much and don’t trigger the satiety, or fullness, response very effectively,” says Guyenet.
If you prefer not to have a cheat day with the “real deal,” then healthy food swaps are your friend: Instead of white pasta, swap in veggie noodles; instead of calorie- and fat-bomb dessert, swap in a delectable and healthier treat like double chocolate, no-bake vegan brownies. There are endless ways to create the same flavors and textures of your favorite foods.

4. Weigh yourself regularly

Don’t forget to check in regularly with yourself — weigh yourself at least once a month to catch any weight regain, or use an item of clothing as a “measuring” device to help you make sure you’re staying within your goal range.

Tracking your weight regularly will clue you in to trends and address issues that come up before they become problems. And, if you don’t already have a fitness tracker, consider using one to motivate you and help maintain your awareness of your physical activity.
But don’t get too hung up on that number on the scale; remember, your weight can fluctuate from day to day, even hour to hour, so keep calm and carry on. In addition, muscle weighs more than fat by volume. That’s why super fit guys like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are technically “obese,” according to BMI charts.

5. Track your food and workouts to identify habits

“I encourage keeping a food diary and logging your workouts,” says Cording. Whether you use opt for a tech-based solution, like an app or tracking device, or simply use a notebook is up to you. “Either way, this can help you spot patterns that may be helping or hurting you,” she says.

6. Enlist the help of an expert

A Registered Dietitian or health coach can also be a great help, as they can guide you in devising an individualized plan for weight-management success.

“There’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to weight loss and weight maintenance, and the investment you make in working with an expert can help you empower yourself to enjoy a happy, healthy lifestyle for the long haul,” Cording says.

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