Monday 19 June 2017

16 Different Proteins Other Than Chicken To Help Your Weight Loss Plan.

When you think of lean protein, there's a pretty good chance chicken is the first thing that comes to mind. But this macronutrient, which is vital for losing weight, comes in many shapes and sizes.

Though it's easy to get stuck in a food rut, especially if you're trying to shed pounds, eating the same kale and grilled chicken salad 5 days in a row is a recipe for bailing on your healthy habits altogether. Swapping that chicken for salmon or shrimp will keep you from getting so bored you throw your lunch away twice a week (we see you).

And, just in case we all need a refresher: Lean protein is kind of a big deal when it comes to weight loss. Your body needs protein to maintain, repair, and grow lean, fat-burning muscle and help you stay fuller longer. One 2005 study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition even found that people who ate 30% of their calories from protein, versus 15%, reduced their total energy intake by 441 calories.
So to get you to your weight loss goal without hating life (and chicken), we bring you this list of all your healthy, lean protein options.

1. Black beans
Serving: ½ cup
Protein: 8 g

2. Cod
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 24 g
3. Egg
Serving: 1 large
Protein: 6 g

4. Egg whites
Serving: 2 large
Protein: 8 g

5. Flounder
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 28 g

6. Hemp seeds
Serving: 1 ounce
Protein: 10 g

7. Ham, sliced, extra lean
Serving: 4 ounces or 4 standard slices
Protein: 20 g

8. Pork tenderloin
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 20 g

9. Pumpkin seeds
Serving: 1 ounce
Protein: 5 g

10. Canned sardines
Serving: 3 sardines
Protein: 24 g

11. Shrimp
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 24 g

12. Filet mignon
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 30 g

13. Tofu
Serving: ½ cup
Protein: 10 g

14. Canned tuna
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 28 g

15. Skinless turkey breast
Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 20 g

16. Wild salmon

Serving: 4 ounces
Protein: 28 g

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