Monday 31 July 2017

3 Protein Mistakes You Could Be Making.

Whatever your workout goals are, protein is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. 

Although many prefer to eat their protein, for some, the ease and convenience of mixing a protein shake at snack time or immediately post-workout makes them an obvious choice. If you are new to working out and want to fuel up with cost-effective protein shakes, here are three easily made mistakes you should avoid, according to Innermost's resident nutritionist, Laura Tilt.

Taking the First Thing You Find

It's very rare that the first protein shake you try is going to be the one for you, so give yourself time to try different ones before writing them off completely. There's so much variety when it comes to flavour, consistency, and dietary preferences that you're bound to find one that suits your needs; you'll just have to be patient.

Taking Too Much

If you're counting macros, you should be able to tell very easily when you're overdoing it on the protein, but if you're eating intuitively, you may want to watch your intake to avoid taking too much. Excessively chugging protein shakes won't help you grow your muscles faster, because our bodies use what they need and get rid of the unnecessary excess.

Thinking They're All Equal

Eating your protein and drinking it is different; while shakes are great for refuelling and replenishing your muscles immediately post-workout — because they're easy to digest — they can't replace the protein you get from filling, slow-releasing, protein-rich foods. Protein shakes are usually low in other nutrients such as fat and fibre, so avoid using them as the main source of protein in your diet, because you might be depriving yourself of vital nutrients.

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