Sunday 9 July 2017

What To Do If Your Weight Is Constantly Fluctuating.

Q: "My weight always fluctuates—I'm either hungry (from an unsustainable diet) or heavy (eating normally, I pack on pounds). How can I find stability?"

Keri Glassman, R.D., founder of Think about improving your diet (as a noun) over the long-term, not dieting (as a verb) in the short-term. Focus on whole, real foods, including as many veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats as possible. Don't stress out if the veggies are roasted in lots of oil, or if the lean protein comes in the form of a burger. 

Then learn to feel satisfied instead of full. This is key to ending that up-and-down cycle. Regardless of whether you're eating salmon and broccoli rabe or chicken parm, learning to stop when you feel satisfied—not stuffed—is critical, and it will change the way you eat and feel forever. Begin by putting down your fork between each bite to slow down and think about your fullness.

Finally, the more fit you feel, the more motivated you'll be to eat well and work out. So rather than exercising to shed pounds, exercise to hit a goal, such as competing in a race or being able to use a 20-pound kettlebell. You'll be focused on that goal instead of thinking, "I gotta hit the gym because I have to lose weight."

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