Monday 3 July 2017

Times When Your Bloating Has Nothing To Do With Weight Gain

Bloating—that uncomfortable tummy sensation where your abdomen inflates, making you look five months pregnant within five minutes—is generally thought of as The Worst. And while we've written plenty of articles telling you how to beat, banish, or otherwise subdue bloat, the thing is, not all bloating is bad. Sometimes it can be a side effect of healthy changes and sign you're doing things right.

We're not saying that bloating is ever comfortable or enjoyable, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. Sometimes bloat is just what our bodies do when digesting stuff and that's cool. So if you've been experiencing some bloating, put on your stretchy pants and read on.
(Note: If you've got a lot of bloat, or bloating that is painful, never goes away, or comes with other symptoms like constipation or diarrhea, then it's worth a chat with your doctor.)

You’re Loading Up On Fruit And Veggies

Fresh produce is one of the best ways to fuel your body. But all those plants can do a number on your digestive system, especially if you went from zero servings a day to greens at every meal. The issue? Healthy staples such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and apples contain certain carbohydrates called FODMAPS (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides, And Polyols) that some people have trouble digesting, says Brittany Markides, registered dietitian and founder of Choose Food. "FODMAPs are not absorbed very well in the small intestine yet are easily fermented by harmless bacteria in the large intestine, which results in increased fluid and gas in the bowels, leading to bloating," she says. You can ease the bloating by watching your intake of high-FODMAP foods  and eating more probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kombucha.

You Love Your La Croix

Unsweetened beverages, like La Croix or sparkling water, are a great way to stay hydrated and get a fix of fizz without the sugar. And the fact that they contain zero sweeteners means they won't trigger a sensitive sweet tooth like other diet drinks can. But their carbonation can lead to some bloating due to an accumulation of gas in the digestive system, Marksides says. Thankfully, it's pretty temporary, so patience is your best bet, she adds.

You’re Eating Beans

Beans, beans the magical fruit; the more you eat the more you... Well, let's just say the playground rhyme exists for a legit reason. Beans are a great source of fiber, protein, and healthy carbs, but they do make many of us bloat up like the Hindenburg. Legumes are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which draws water into the intestines, increasing bloat. And as the bacteria in your intestines digests all those tasty, fibrous beans, they release gas. Fortunately the fix is pretty simple—make sure you're upping your water intake along with your fiber, she says.

You’re Chewing Gum

A stick or two of gum can keep your mouth occupied and help you avoid mindless snacking. But anything that causes you to swallow excess air—including gum chewing, eating too quickly, or gulping drinks—can result in some bloating, she says. (Not to mention the bloating that could result if the gum is sweetened with one of the previously mentioned sugar-free sweeteners.) Slow down when you eat and chew gum carefully, or just skip it if it seems to be making your pants uncomfortably tight.

You Just Switched To A Healthy Diet

Sometimes the only thing wrong with a new diet is that you haven't given your body enough time to adjust to it yet, she says. Going full vegan or paleo overnight can be a bit of a shock to the system, especially if you were eating a standard American diet before. "Most people can handle consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables in a vegan or raw food diet without symptoms, but some may experience reactionary bloating to the added fiber," she adds. Luckily, it's no big deal and your body should adjust quickly. To prevent gastrointestinal whiplash, change your diet over a period of time rather than all at once.

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