Saturday 15 July 2017

Stop Making These 12 Weight Loss Excuses - Part 2

7. My family doesn’t like healthy food

You don’t have to cook two separate meals — grilled cheese for the kids and grilled chicken breast for you — to feed your family and stay on track with your weight-loss goals.
Instead, aim to cook more healthful versions of your family’s favorite foods. “For instance, if pizza is their pick, have pizza!” Newgent says. “But begin the meal with a salad, even if it’s just a very basic one. After salad, serve the pizza. Go light on the cheese and thin on the crust. Try fun-cut veggies or even pineapple as a topping,” she says.
It’s also a good idea to get the kids involved in the shopping or meal-prep stages of cooking. Look at fun recipes you’d like to try (like frozen banana pops or breaded chicken tenders), then spend time together in the kitchen experimenting. “The more they’re involved, the more they’re likely to eat the healthy foods you serve,” Newgent says.

8. I’m too stressed to think about exercising

If you’re too stressed to exercise, then exercise is probably exactly what you need. “Exercise calms and focuses the nervous and hormonal systems and directly counteracts the effects of stress on our brains and our bodies,” Dunston says.
In fact, the stress of exercising usually lies not in the exercise itself, but in the process of figuring out how and when to squeeze in a workout. That’s why Thieme recommends finding a way to make exercise a normal part of your daily routine.
“Find a time in your schedule that’s consistently free of demands and distractions (e.g., before the kids wake up, during your lunch hour, immediately after work), and follow a program designed by a smart trainer,” he suggests. “Once you make exercise a daily habit, it will not only cease to be a stressor, but it will help you feel less stressed in general.”

9. It’s hard to eat healthy when I eat out

Eating out and eating healthy aren’t mutually exclusive. What’s more, learning to manage your temptations and confront any unhealthy eating habits in social situations that revolve around food is a crucial part of the weight-loss process.
About 30 minutes before you eat out, Newgent suggests noshing on a piece of fruit or tiny handful of nuts to help curb your appetite. “On days you’re dining out with others, plan for extra exercise, even if it’s just walking,” she says. “Then if you indulge a bit more than usual, you’re balancing out those excess calories with activity.”

10. I’m too tired to exercise

When you feel sapped of energy, the last thing you want to do is push yourself physically. But oftentimes, you may feel lethargic precisely because you haven’t exercised.
“Research shows that as long as you aren’t overtraining, exercise often has an energizing effect on the body,” Thieme explains. “So if you feel too tired to workout, try working out anyway — you’ll likely find that you walk away from your training session feeling very differently,” he says.
You should also focus on getting more sleep. “Most people don’t get the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep a night, and racking up sleep debt can torpedo your energy level,” says Thieme.
When all else fails, try exercising in the morning. “Our energy levels are highest after a good night’s sleep, we haven’t experienced the drains from the day on our energy at this point, and competing responsibilities are at a minimum,” explains Dunston.

11. I don’t want to give up all my favorite foods

Losing weight doesn’t mean giving up everything you enjoy. In fact, that kind of self-imposed restriction might make it more difficult for you to sustain healthy eating habits in the long-term.
Feel free to incorporate your favorite foods and indulgences into your routine, but be aware of portion sizes and aim to make healthy modifications whenever possible, advises Newgent.
For example, if you love comfort food like mac and cheese, “plan to have half a bowl of macaroni and cheese and half a bowl of steamed spinach, then mix them together so you’ll have a bowlful of goodness,” Newgent adds.

12. Working out isn’t fun

Exercising shouldn’t be a chore. “If you don’t enjoy [it], you haven’t found the right type of exercise, workout program, or trainer for your fitness level and personality,” Thieme says.
Try mixing up your exercise routine with something you like, Dunston recommends, whether it’s dancing, running, or riding your bike around town. You can also work out with a friend to keep things interesting, or listen to a juicy podcast or fun playlist to make the time pass more quickly, she adds.

The Best Way to Lose Weight

The most effective strategy for weight loss combines regular moderate to high intensity exercise with a healthy, balanced diet. Focus on cutting down on unrefined, processed foods, and aim to get 40 percent of your daily calories from carbs like veggies, fruits, and whole grains, 30 percent from lean protein, and 30 percent from healthy fats.

When it comes to your workout, consider switching up your usual routine to burn more fat. “Steady-state cardio (e.g., jogging, cycling, etc.) isn’t all that effective for weight loss because the body adapts to it quickly,” Thieme explains. “So if that’s how you’ve always exercised, consider trying something different, like strength training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which studies show are the most effective forms of exercise for losing fat.”
Beyond exercise and healthy eating, make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated, and keeping your stress levels as low as possible.

The Bottom Line

It’s never too late to start taking ownership of your health. But before you get overwhelmed at the prospect of overhauling your diet or beginning a new workout regimen, start small: identify one healthy change you can make and commit to it. Before long, you’ll have a newfound sense of confidence that’ll help you incorporate even more healthy habits into your life so you can lose weight and feel your best.

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