Friday 8 September 2017

Why You Need Help Losing Weight.

We all know how to lose weight. Eat healthier foods, watch your portion sizes, and exercise more often. It’s a simple formula — so in theory, we should all have no problem getting to our goal weights and staying there.

But obviously it’s not that easy, or we’d all be at our ideal weights right now. So if we’re all following the same basic rulebook, why are some people successful and others need help losing weight?

The difference is mental toughness. Resilience, determination, willpower — whatever you want to call it, your mindset is what will ultimately make or break your weight-loss success.

We’re not saying you can simply think yourself thin. The rules still apply: You need to fine-tune your nutrition and break a sweat regularly. But if you want to be successful — if you want this time to be different — you need to have your head in the game. Because your healthiest intentions will be tested. You’ll have stressful times and comfort-food cravings and days when you just can’t get motivated to work out. And that’s when your brain needs to step up to the plate and keep you on track.

But I have no willpower, and that’s why I need help losing weight. Should I just give up?

Nope. You just need to change the way you think about willpower.

Willpower isn’t a superhuman trait that only a lucky few are born with — it’s a skill anyone can build. It comes from knowing what your weaknesses are, understanding why you haven’t lost weight in the past, and using that info to build a better game plan this time around.

“Obstacles will happen. It’s our response to them that means everything,” says Ariane Machin, Ph.D., a sports psychologist in Raleigh, North Carolina, and co-founder of the Conscious Coaching Collective. “When we can identify potential obstacles that will get in the way of our goals — and identify strategies to get through them — the likelihood of success is significantly higher.”

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