Thursday 20 April 2017

6 Simple Strategies To Grocery Shopping When Trying To Lose Weight.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and those abs that are "made in the kitchen" don't appear after one meal. But if your goal is weight loss, you'll need to give your grocery list an overhaul and start shopping strategically. One day at a time, meal after meal—with the right foods at home, you can make big changes.
These tips will help you be more thoughtful and efficient at the market:
Shop The Perimeter

The perimeter method means sticking (mostly) to the foods along the walls of the grocery store—fresh produce, meats, poultry, seafood, dairy, and eggs. At some markets you'll also find that there are fresh-pressed juices! By only shopping the outer rim of your local market, you're avoiding ice cream, processed foods, chips, soda, and all that other stuff you don't want! Pro tip: Duck into the grains aisle for a hot second to grab some quinoa, brown rice, beans, or oats—then get out.
Never Shop Hungry
You know this; we know this; but somehow it totally still happens. Your hunger can absolutely take over your brain and dictate your decisions, so don't let the hunger pangs tell you what goes in your cart and then into your pantry and eventually into your belly.
Get The Right Staples
Make a list of the healthy dry goods that you should always have in your pantry and tailor your grocery list accordingly, depending on what's low and in need of a refill.
Make A List
Going into a grocery store aimlessly is like giving a presentation at work and not even knowing the topic (okay, that was a rough metaphor, but you get it). Your grocery list is your plan of attack—your strategy. You need to have that game plan, especially if you're new at this. Plan what meals you're going to make for the week. Evaluate what ingredients you already have and what you need. Craft your list based on your needs, and then get ready to own that grocery store like a boss.
Choose The Right Packaged Foods
Packaged foods are typically a no-go unless it's something like precut produce. Obviously you want to steer clear of processed foods and junk, but sometimes markets offer prechopped fresh veggies and fruits as well as lighter packaged meals for on-the-go eating. Read the labels, be choosy, and decide what will help save you time while maintaining your nutrition goals (this is a lot easier to decide on if you are NOT hungry, so don't skip tip number two!)
Choose The Right Stores

When you can, try to shop at natural and local markets that offer premium produce, organic ingredients, and grass-fed and pasture-raised animal products. This will guarantee that you're giving your body the highest-quality fuel for your weight-loss journey.

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