Wednesday 26 April 2017

5 Unusual Portion Control Tips.

It doesn’t matter what diet you follow. To lose weight, you’ve got to know when to pump the brakes on your portions. But, obviously, that's easier said than done when you're faced with a giant bowl of pasta.

Portion sizes (of pretty much everything but produce) have increased so drastically in past decades that our eyes don’t know what "just enough" actually looks like, according to a 2015 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition analysis.
The result: We overeat more calories than we think and wind up derailing our weight loss efforts, says Julie Upton, RD, co-founder of Appetite for Health.
Weighing and measuring your food can certainly help. But weighing and measuring also sucks. Instead, use these crazy simple cues to keep your portion sizes on track and make losing weight so much easier.
1.Start cooking with condiments first.
Try dishing out however much butter, oil, salad dressing, mayonnaise, or any other extras you plan to use in your dish, and then put the bottle away before you get cooking. You’ll automatically end up using much healthier portion sizes, says Wesley Delbridge, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. That's because most people don't realize that they're going overboard on the sauces and sides when they're topping off their food, says Delbridge. It's a small change that can lead to a big reward in the long term.
2. Don’t eat "diet" foods.

Fat-free, low-cal, and gluten-free basically mean super-easy to overeat. In one study from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, people who thought they were eating low-fat foods ate 28.4% more calories than those who knew they were dining on the full-fat version. Meanwhile, many packaged diet foods are so low in one nutrient—like fat, sugar, or calories—that they're ridiculously high in the other two or leave you hungry, Delbridge says. The result: Your portions get out of hand.
3. Fill half your plate with veggies.

When piling food onto your plate, follow one simple rule: Fill half of it with vegetables, one-quarter with protein, and one-quarter with starches, says Keri Gans, RDN, author of 
The Small Change Diet. For most women, increasing vegetable portion sizes automatically decreases portion sizes of more calorically dense foods, like pasta and steak. "Vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining proper portion sizes. If you take something away, like fat or carbs, you’ve got to put something back in to prevent hunger," she says. "Veggies take up space on the plate, leading to psychological satiety, and are full of fiber, leading to physiological satiety." 

4. Know when to use bigger plates.

Yeah, you’ve heard that eating entrées on smaller plates can help you cut back. But not all portion-control strategies should be about eating less. "You can't make a decent salad on an 8-inch plate, sorry," says Georgie Fear, RD, author of 
Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss. "I love using my large, shallow pasta bowls for gargantuan salads." Just make sure that the bulk of your salad is actually veggies.
5. Cut up your food before sitting at the table.

When you chop up a chicken breast or sweet potato, it automatically takes up way more space on your plate—which can help you feel like your portion sizes are more satisfying, according to research from Arizona State University. And since satiety is as much in your head as it is in your stomach, that’s huge, Delbridge says.

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