Monday, 31 July 2017

3 Protein Mistakes You Could Be Making.

Whatever your workout goals are, protein is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. 

Although many prefer to eat their protein, for some, the ease and convenience of mixing a protein shake at snack time or immediately post-workout makes them an obvious choice. If you are new to working out and want to fuel up with cost-effective protein shakes, here are three easily made mistakes you should avoid, according to Innermost's resident nutritionist, Laura Tilt.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

5 Common Weightlifting Myths That Need To Be Debunked.

When you take a look around the weight room, men almost always take up the space. We've been conditioned to believe that guys like to pump weights while women go for a run or do yoga. 

This is a dangerous stereotype to believe; there are some serious benefits to be earned from lifting weights on the regular, especially if you're a woman. Whether you're trying to lose weight or grow some lean muscle, it's time to get friendly with that barbell. Let's start by debunking some common myths.

Myth 1: Weightlifting Makes You Bulk Up

"Most women don't have enough testosterone production in their body to put on huge muscle gains and 'get big,'" explained Lauren Clare, personal trainer and certified holistic health coach. That's because women have way less testosterone in their systems than men do (20 times less, to be exact), and testosterone is one of the primary hormones that promotes muscle growth. So when you see those big, bulky guys at the gym, don't panic, because it's not physically possible for you to turn into the Hulk from a strength-training routine.
Similarly, Clare discourages us from believing the photos you might see in bodybuilding magazines. The buff women you are seeing are taking supplements and training extremely hard. You won't end up anything like that, even if you lift weights several times a week.

Friday, 28 July 2017

3 Ways Mindful Eating Can Help You Stay Slim

Really like this video about mindful eating. So easy to eat in front of the TV, phone and computer.

What do you think?

Thursday, 27 July 2017

The Number One Weight Loss Tool That We All Have.

I definitely don't judge anyone for this. I am with you. You name it, I've tried it. But through that, I've come to one simple conclusion: amongst all the detoxes and Keto and blood group diets and intermittent fasting, we've forgotten one simple thing, which is common sense.

Because weight loss is such a big business, we have been bombarded with so much complicated information (and in some cases, absolute bullsh*t) that we have forgotten to trust the very basic advice we all learned as kids: don't be greedy. Go outside and play. Get a good night's sleep. Always eat your greens!

From The Body Coach's 90-day plan to the Whole 30 to Weight Watchers, I'm just as guilty as anyone of looking to others for guidance when it comes to diet. I am not someone who is easily able to self-moderate. The whole "eat less, move more" concept is not news to me, but putting it into practice without extra structure and accountability is something I find difficult.  

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

5 Diet Trends That May Have Health Benefits But May Not Help Your Weight Loss Plan

Here are five examples of diet trends you’ve probably read about, but might not have realized that the science behind them is a tad iffy at present, whether it’s a lack of any research or lack of research that can be applied to you.

 Although some of them might have health benefits, the jury is still out on whether they should be considered a viable weight-loss tool.

1. Activated Charcoal

Your wellness-trend obsessed pal might be Instagramming the heck out of bottles of inky-black lemonade or chia ice cream made with activated charcoal, but you may want to think twice before jumping on the charcoal bandwagon.

It’s touted as a way to “detox” your body, but the research supporting any health benefits — much less weight-loss benefits — of activated charcoal is scant.  

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Consider These 4 Things Before You Try The Latest Weight Loss Trend.

Let’s be honest: You aren’t likely to click on a snooze-inducing headline like “Eat More Vegetables and Protein, Less Fat and Sugar to Lose Weight.”

Which is why health and wellness sites are always on the lookout for the next hot, new trend, like drinking black, mucky lemonade filled with charcoal or gulping down tablespoons of coconut oil. But the desire for that shock factor may end up misleading readers with sensationalized headlines and oversimplified conclusions.
“The media tends to blow up a research study and create headlines that target people’s fears,” says Krista Haynes, R.D., and nutrition manager at Beachbody.
Another problem with weight-loss trend stories is that there are too many bold, generalized recommendations based on little solid scientific evidence, says Lisa Hayim of, M.S., R.D., nutritionist based in Great Neck, N.Y.  

Monday, 24 July 2017

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Quick Guide To Foods That May Help You Lose Weight.

With so many quick weight loss programs and weight loss tips around, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight. With that being said, natural weight loss is best and honestly, you don’t need to fork out tons of dough to get to where you want to be. 

Whip out your grocery list and take note because these are the best foods that people can eat to help lose weight more quickly. 


Yogurt is full of probiotics, a particular type of bacteria that may help limit the amount of fat that your body absorbs. Make sure to choose a yogurt that says “live active cultures” on the container. Probiotics are good bacteria that helps get rid of the bad stuff in your intestinal tract. The amino acids in yogurt help burn fat while the calcium tells your fat cells to get rid of cortisol, which is a hormone that may cause belly fat to increase.  

Saturday, 22 July 2017

6 Mistakes To Watch Out For If You Are On A Gluten Free Diet.

The number of Americans on a gluten-free diet tripled from 2009 to 2014, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine—but during that same time period, the number of people diagnosed with celiac disease dropped 17%. With weight loss benefits touted by celebrities, and new aisles in the grocery store devoted to gluten-free goodies, eliminating gluten can seem like just another trendy dietary choice.  
But for the 1% of the population with celiac disease, the diet is vital to their health and well-being. If you have celiac disease and get "glutened," you may experience gas, bloating, abnormal stools, vomiting, fatigue, or weight loss. Over time, this immune response caused by consuming gluten can damage the small intestine—making it infinitely harder for your body to absorb nutrients from the food you eat.  

Thursday, 20 July 2017

7 Weight Loss Mistakes You May Be Making At Work

You don't need us to tell you that those free office donuts and weekly birthday celebrations are bad news for your diet (seriously, how can there be so many birthdays?!). 

But those aren't the only work hazards stalling your weight loss progress: There's no shortage of seemingly innocent on-the-job habits that can make you take in more calories than you need. And we're betting at least a few of these sound uncomfortably familiar.
Here are 7 workday mistakes that aren't doing your suit size any favors—and how to get back to a place you feel good about. 

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

5 Easy Tricks To Outsmart Cravings

Some cool tips with fighting those cravings. Let me know if you find the tips effective.

Monday, 17 July 2017

5 Simple Ways To Turn Off Your Fat Gene Switch

Looking at your dad could feel like a mirror into the future. And that’s great if he’s still running 5Ks for fun every weekend. But what if your dad is more Dad Bod than Dad God?

If your dad’s on the portly side, you may wonder if you’re destined to fill those heavy shoes as you grow older, too. And that’s not a far-fetched scenario: After all, there are nearly 100 gene variants linked to obesity—meaning that dear old dad may have passed along a proclivity to portliness along with freckles or slightly-larger-than average nose.  
But the good news is, not all these genes are necessarily set in stone. Some of the so-called fat genes can turn off and on depending on your habits and your environment.
Now, you can plunk down a few hundred dollars on a DNA test to see exactly where you stand, but we’re sure you can find a bunch of other things to do with that kind of cash. Instead, put away your wallet—and try these smart strategies to hack your DNA and turn off your fat switch instead.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Stop Making These 12 Weight Loss Excuses - Part 2

7. My family doesn’t like healthy food

You don’t have to cook two separate meals — grilled cheese for the kids and grilled chicken breast for you — to feed your family and stay on track with your weight-loss goals.
Instead, aim to cook more healthful versions of your family’s favorite foods. “For instance, if pizza is their pick, have pizza!” Newgent says. “But begin the meal with a salad, even if it’s just a very basic one. After salad, serve the pizza. Go light on the cheese and thin on the crust. Try fun-cut veggies or even pineapple as a topping,” she says.
It’s also a good idea to get the kids involved in the shopping or meal-prep stages of cooking. Look at fun recipes you’d like to try (like frozen banana pops or breaded chicken tenders), then spend time together in the kitchen experimenting. “The more they’re involved, the more they’re likely to eat the healthy foods you serve,” Newgent says.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Stop Making These 12 Weight Loss Excuses - Part 1

Truth time: The biggest barriers standing between you and successfully losing weight are the excuses you make that keep you from getting started. We know how it goes…

I should do a quick workout… but I have three episodes of “Scandal” to catch up on.
I want to try that new chicken recipe… but I don’t have any ingredients. I’ll make it tomorrow.
I shouldn’t hit the drive-thru… but I’m tired and hungry. I’ll start eating better next week.
Making excuses for why you can’t stick to (or start) your healthy commitments is a common part of the weight-loss process. But now it’s time to develop techniques and strategies for busting those excuses so you can start making progress.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Monday, 10 July 2017

Did You Really Lose Weight Or Is It Just Water Weight?

You step on the scale and you’re magically five pounds lighter than you were at your last weigh-in. Yaaaas!

But before you do a little happy dance or treat yo’ self to the chocolate hiding in your freezer behind the broccoli, it’s worth knowing if you legit lost weight or you’re just dehydrated.
So, we asked an R.D. for the questions you can ask yourself to find out if you're dropping fat or just a whole bunch of H2O. Here's your pop quiz. 

Sunday, 9 July 2017

What To Do If Your Weight Is Constantly Fluctuating.

Q: "My weight always fluctuates—I'm either hungry (from an unsustainable diet) or heavy (eating normally, I pack on pounds). How can I find stability?"

Keri Glassman, R.D., founder of Think about improving your diet (as a noun) over the long-term, not dieting (as a verb) in the short-term. Focus on whole, real foods, including as many veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats as possible. Don't stress out if the veggies are roasted in lots of oil, or if the lean protein comes in the form of a burger. 

Saturday, 8 July 2017

7 Tips To A Flatter Tighter Tummy

With our agendas compiling more and more plans that involve swimwear, many of us are trying to tighten up our waistline for an added confidence boost when we hit the beach or the pool. 
And then again, some of us just want a flatter belly, regardless of season! It's a reasonable and totally attainable goal to have, so let's break down a few ways to get there, feel confident, and love our bodies even more when we strip down to a swimsuit.

1.     Strength Train: It's scientifically proven that lifting weights can help eliminate fat overall, which in turn can result in a slimmer tummy and more trim waistline. Nicole Aurigemma, physiologist and PhD, states that fat oxidation and fat loss happen quickly, "even after just one gym session."

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

3 Things A Nutritionist Would Never Eat.

You may not look up to a nutritionist the way you do an athlete or your best friend, but maybe you should reconsider. The truth is that nutritionists know a lot more than what we hear them tell us when they talk about food. They know how to heal the body with nutrition. They know how to strengthen the body to combat illness, fatigue, and weight gain. They also know what not to eat. And what a nutritionist eliminates from her diet should definitely be on your list of must-skip foods, too.

What you may not realise, however, is that often your nutritionist passes on foods you might think are not only perfectly healthy, but foods you probably think you need to eat to lose weight. Ready to be surprised? We consulted Keisha Luke, a Toronto-based culinary nutritionist, and she gave us the skinny on the foods she avoids as much as she possibly can!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

10 Ways To Add Protein To Your Smoothie Without Using Protein Powder.

Let's say you're craving a smoothie, but you also need to add a little protein to your diet . . . a protein smoothie is an excellent way to do that! Whether it's for a powerhouse breakfast or a post-workout snack, we love blending up a frosty glass of nutrition for a lightning-fast meal (that takes zero culinary prowess).

But what if you don't have or don't like protein powder? Don't get us wrong: we certainly have our favourite supplement powders, but sometimes you just want whole foods or don't want to drop the extra cash (those tubs can be pricey!). There are whole, nutritious, and inexpensive sources of protein you can easily add to your favourite blend; they either don't distract from the flavour of the fruits (or whatever else you're blending) or they add a delicious extra element (ahem, peanut butter!).

Monday, 3 July 2017

Times When Your Bloating Has Nothing To Do With Weight Gain

Bloating—that uncomfortable tummy sensation where your abdomen inflates, making you look five months pregnant within five minutes—is generally thought of as The Worst. And while we've written plenty of articles telling you how to beat, banish, or otherwise subdue bloat, the thing is, not all bloating is bad. Sometimes it can be a side effect of healthy changes and sign you're doing things right.

We're not saying that bloating is ever comfortable or enjoyable, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. Sometimes bloat is just what our bodies do when digesting stuff and that's cool. So if you've been experiencing some bloating, put on your stretchy pants and read on.
(Note: If you've got a lot of bloat, or bloating that is painful, never goes away, or comes with other symptoms like constipation or diarrhea, then it's worth a chat with your doctor.)

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat

Here is a really cool video about losing belly fat. Let me know what you think?